Recycling starts with design with Pia Baker

Infinum Season 1 Episode 12
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00:00 | 53:26

In this episode of Delivered, you can learn why recycling starts with package design and how this can benefit your brand, your consumers, and the planet.

We sat down with Pia Baker, Director of Marketing at Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), an international non-profit focused on improving recycling. With 20+ years of brand experience, she previously led sustainability marketing at Nestlé Waters North America and held marketing leadership roles at Timex, Unilever, and Charles Schwab.

Key learnings:

  • Understand how plastics recycling works and why it’s important
  • Learn the common misconceptions about recycling 
  • Discover why recycling starts with package design
  • Stay ahead of upcoming regulations
  • Find out ways to reduce your organization’s environmental impact

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Delivered is brought to you by a leading digital product agency, Infinum. We've been consulting, workshopping, and delivering advanced digital solutions since 2005.

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